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Hydromino Incredi-Bud

Hydromino Incredi-Bud

Hydromino Incredi-Bud will assist in maximising plant growth and yield. With extensive research on the growth of a range of plants, combined with our state of the art manufacturing plant and processes, has enabled us to develop this unrivaled product. Hydromino Incredi-bud is unique and the only product of its kind. During testing of this product, Incredi-bud was ahead of the field of competitor's products, and this is due to it's unique ratios of phosphorous, potassium, magnesium and amino acids. Derived from amino acids, citric acid, potassium phosphate, magnesium sulphate and magnesium phosphate.  

1L Bottle5L Bottle20L Bottle

Sizes: 1L, 5L & 20L

  • Maximising plant growth and yield

    Maximising plant growth and yield

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Usage guide

Hydromino Incredi-Bud Usage Guide Table

Note: Millilitres shown above are for each week and is per litre

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